Make Money Online Playing Video Games

Video games are one of the greatest ways to escape the real world and to have some fun during your free time. It’s also possible to make money by playing video games if you stream, compete in tournaments, or start your own YouTube channel. One of the coolest ways to make money playing video games is by offering to coach your favorite competitive game (such as League of Legends). Video game coaches make anywhere from $20 to $200 per hour, depending on how good they are and how in-demand their services are. Gamesville is a chief in the online game area and has been that way for a very long time that lets you play games for money. In fact, it was created by Lycos, which was established in 1995. With Gamesville, you can get paid to play games in two different ways- one is through free tournaments that are conducted for any game, including bingo.

It’s a great way if I make money playing video games online and who would say no if they could make money playing video games online in their home?

I still remember when was in 8th class in my school after the school bell rang on my leg will begin to walk to the Internet browsing center. Where I used to spend more than 2 hours playing Mario video games.

Only 90’s Kid knew well about Mario games.


  • Could I Possibly Make Money Playing Video Game Online ?

Could I Possibly Make Money Playing Video Game Online ?

If someone pays me a real income for testing the games, online I will resign my job and make this as my future.

If you can make a living playing video games daily from your home on the internet will you join or not?

If you think “I want to play video games for a living” and to fulfill my daily needs or to earn a part time income to fill the space of your wallet. Then it is the right time you to join some online gaming jobs where you can make money online playing video games within a short span of time.

Favorite games like League of Legends, Minecraft, call of duty are paying high payouts for testing their games online.
And you too can be one of them

There are several gaming industries nowadays looking for a full-time or Part-time video game testers and you can easily make money playing video games.


The actual reason why they are looking for game testers is for many reasons, and some of them are

• To find the bugs in the games.
• To make sure the game is easy to play.
• To verify all the levels are working without lag.
• Whether the game is well designed?

There are much more reasons, but I have stated a few of them.

And there are many online gaming companies willing to pay high amount to test their games. But it is hard to find the trusted company where you can join as a game tester.

Before joining any online gaming, testing companies make sure you to read all the terms and conditions, and I prefer you to contact the support team of the company and clarify all the questions you got to know and read FAQ’s if possible.

Where To Join To Make Money Playing Video Games Online?

I know a famous and reputed game company called gamejobsonline
You can join from here.

What Do I Need To Join This Company?

There is nothing more than a personal computer or laptop and Internet connection and if a possible cup of coffee or tea.
From this comfort, you can make money playing video games online.

Do I Need To Be Pro-Gamer To Join This Website?

You don’t want to be pro-gamer to make money playing video games online.
You don’t need any special skills to join this company. Once you join to them, they will provide some Pdfs and proper Instructions based on how to test the games and it will not take more than 1 hour to learn.
To make money playing video games online the only thing all you need is Interest to complete the given task to you.

Do I need To Invest In Joining This Online Game Testing Company?

Some companies asking high Investment to be a part of their testing team.
I know some companies with small investment between 3$ to 5$.
You can check it here.

Final Verdict

We all love to play video games and if someone is willing to pay for us to play video games? Then why do we miss the chance? Even a 5th grade kid would love to make money playing video games online.

If you think that you can make a living playing video games online then it is the right way for you to make money playing video games online.

ALso Read:

Thanks to the young media today, the world of video games has taken the world by storm. Of course, gaming is something that has captured the minds and the hearts of people of all ages. The video gaming center has become so advanced that when coupled with the internet, it has actually become possible to earn some money.

You will find a lot of streaming options on popular platforms like Twitch and YouTube. There are also thousands of professional gaming tournaments that have huge payouts. Then, there are also gaming celebrities and legends.

The question here is – can you earn money by playing video games? The answer is yes, you can. Many options can help you make money from the video game industry like streaming, YouTube videos, and everything else in the middle. If you are a gaming fan and looking to earn some money out of it, there are some ways you can do to earn money with video games.

Of course, it is never an easy job to create a website from scratch. However, a website that caters to gamers and games attracts the highest amount of traffic. You can review games like Sonic Playing video games on the website.

Once you have your target audience, you might even receive free games or any other type of sponsors. Of course, you do not have to become the next Games Radar overnight. Sites like these have been around for years, and you will not be able to compete against them immediately.

It is recommended to start small in a niche where you are an expert. For example, you love strategy titles; hence, start a Lego video games website to review such titles. Expand to other niches slowly.

It is the job of a programmer to bring video games to life. Companies tend to spend thousands of hours to ensure that their customers receive immersive titles. However, before a game is launched, companies rely on external testing panels to try the titles before they hit the market.

The quality assurance officer will play video games at the highest setting level and provide the required feedback. They also let the company/developer know what works and what doesn’t. If the officer has nothing to report, the company will know that the product is finished and ready for launch.

Similar to a QA officer, a video game tester’s job is to test the app. However, these individuals are in-house members of the gaming company and play the final rendition. The testers are established and successful gamers that have a foothold on the gaming industry.

On average, a tester may earn more than $70,000 per year. While becoming a video game tester might sound fun, it does entail a lot of work. You will have to sit in front of the monitor the entire day and play, even partially at night. Additionally, you will have to play a single game for at least a hundred times to look for any bugs or issues before the product is ready for its launch.

If you love to play video games when bored, then you can definitely look into becoming a professional YouTube streamer. If the number of subscribers on your YouTube channel crosses a specific limit, the video streaming platform will start paying you. A site is also a great option if you want to put in some commentary on games that are being played live.

For example, PewDiePie is one of the most successful streamers today. With more than 100 million subscribers, the number of views on his YouTube video can reach over 20 billion. Thanks to this, PewDiePie earns more than $500,000 per year from this ad revenue on his videos.

Twitch is yet another popular gaming community that was started by avid gamers. Similar to YouTube, Twitch allows you to monetize your streaming videos. Channels earn via advertising revenue by live-streaming their gaming sessions.

There are some requirements that you need to fulfill if you want to start earning on Twitch. Thankfully, these requirements are quite easy. Once done, you can expect the money within a month. One of the most popular Twitch streamers is ‘Ninja,’ who earned more than $10 billion in 2018. You will be able to provide something special like Wasteland 3 to all your viewers on Twitch.

If you are not much of a fan of live-streaming on social channels, you can consider starting your career as a game developer. If you love coding as much as gaming, you will earn a decent amount of money in the gaming industry. Many video game companies like Ubisoft and Blizzard offer an average salary of $83,000 to their game developers.

However, you should also know that being a game developer has its share of pressure. You will have to put in long hours of work, even on weekends. If you do not like the idea of working for someone else, you can also start your very own company.

The world of gaming has become big today. You will find several tournaments taking place each month for titles like Wasteland 3, Call of Duty, PubG, and Fortnite. From Japan to the United States, these tournaments take place all over the world.

For instance, 16-year-old Kyle Giersdorf won the grand prize of $3 million in the 2019 Fortnite Tournament hosted by Epic Games. Kyle’s gaming was witnessed by an audience of more than 2 million people around the world. Competing in gaming tournaments such as Wasteland 3 is one of the best ways to make money by playing video games, all while sitting at home.

eSports are slowly becoming a huge deal in the world of online video gaming. The total revenue of eSports exceeded more than $850 million in 2018. If you love gaming, you can sign up with an eSports team and take part in competitions all around the world.

How To Make Money While Playing Video Games

On average, eSports gamers can earn roughly about $3000 per month. You will also find regular tournaments taking place for titles like Fortnite, DOTA2, Counter-Strike, etc. The eSports sector will only grow in the future.

If you love journalism and gaming, you can think of becoming a game journalist. While the pay might not be so great, it can become your side hustle if you love writing reports and have a passion for gaming as well. You must have a journalism degree to start this career.

However, you can also submit your writings as a freelancer. All you need to do is have a good command of English and be able to engage the reader. You also do not need any formal education.

When you are looking for gaming T-shirts online, you will find a lot of results. Similarly, you will find all types of merchandise when it comes to gaming. Some popular examples include cell phone cases, mousepads, coffee mugs, etc.

Many sites can help you sell T-shirts and other merchandise. Alternatively, you can also join a gaming company to sell the merch officially. Who knows, the company might even send over a game or two if you are great at your job.

Final Thoughts

The above are just some ways, among many others, to earn money if you love gaming. Of course, it might take some time for the revenue to become constant. On the same note, you can come up with other ideas and get started on them. But remember that hard work is the key. If you have any questions, you can drop them in the comment section below. If you have better ideas, please share them as well!

Make Money Online Playing Video Games

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Play Video Games Make Money

Thomas is a passionate writer, psychologist, and amateur gambler. He distracts himself with during breaks and does a great job at his job in HR. Thomas currently lives in Seattle.

How To Make Money Online Playing Video Games